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Abe at 5 Months

I have been pretty bad about this whole blogging thing, but the past couple weeks have just been totally crazy, so I'm giving myself an excuse! On the 23rd little Abey baby turned 5 months old! I don't know why but 5 months just seems so big to me, maybe its because he's doing so much more now, I don't know. This kid wants to GO. He is rolling over from back to belly and has been for a while but as of recently he can roll over from belly to back now too. So, needless to say he is getting to what he wants a lot quicker now. He wants so badly to crawl, you can just tell, but I'm hoping we have a little while longer before that happens. Poor little guy experienced his first little sickness this past week, he had a fever for about a day and half and a nasty cold to go with it. Thankfully he seems to be on the mend from that. A couple weeks ago we went on our first family vacation! Zack and his dad ran the 1/2 marathon in Disneyland, and KILLED it might I add. But it was the perfect little vacation for all of us. Abe did so extremely well on his first plane ride, and we were so proud of him, as was the whole flight staff! We are already planning the next trip in April! After doing one Disney run Zack just cant get enough, so he'll be doing the Star Wars one in Disney World this time! On top of all of that we also had our first big holiday as a family of three just a couple days ago. Thanksgiving is always so much fun for us, thankfully both of our families live in town so we were able to see them both. Holidays are hard when you have to split them between families and I'm sure its just going to get even harder as Abe gets bigger. Thankfully we've just come up with the idea of switching who gets priority for what holiday every year, that seems to be the only way we could make it work and keep everyone happy. As Christmas approaches, I for one am getting SO excited! It is by far my favorite season and holiday, and thankfully Zack loves it just as much. So we are beyond excited to start some new family traditions with Abe and are hoping he loves this time of year just as much as we do. We had our family pictures taken yesterday, and I am so anxious to see how they turned out and get our Christmas cards ordered, so be on the lookout for those, because there is no way I wont be able to stop myself from sharing them!

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