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4 Months

This month has been such a fun and eventful one for our family! Aside from all the fun changes Abe has been going through, we have done a lot of "firsts" with him.

Abe is turning into just the most gentle little soul and we are so loving this stage. He is going through a huge "leap" as they say in his learning and brain development right now and while that makes him a little extra fussy, it's also making for some fun moments. He now giggles pretty frequently (especially when mommy is extra silly), he is reaching and grabbing for toys, or really anything that comes near his face. He is more aware of those he does and does not know, which in turn is making things a little harder for me. He likes to roll over in his crib and then cry out because he has no clue what do to from there, but hasn't quite shown much interest in rolling over any other time. He has done it a couple times but isn't a pro just yet. He is at the early stages of teething, so we are dealing with ALOT of drool and putting everything in his mouth, but other than that he doesn't seem bothered by it just yet. He is such a great sleeper. He has been sleeping in his own room for a couple nights now and has been doing great. He sleeps about 8-9 hours straight every night, which makes for a happy baby and a happy mama.

We went to his first IU tailgate a couple weeks ago and he did so well. He sported his own little IU jersey onesie and loved being cuddled by some of our friends! Zack went to the game but I didn't feel like it made the most sense to bring Abe just yet, more so for my sanity than his. But come November he will go to his first game the Saturday after Thanksgiving! It's the big rivalry game between IU and Purdue and Zack's dad, step-mom, and little brother will be coming down for it, so it should be good time.

Zack has been running as a hobby and way to get in shape for a while now, so he found a half marathon up in Indy that he wanted to do, so we decided to get a hotel and make it a little mini trip. We weren't sure how well Abe would do sleeping in a pack n' play but surprisingly he did ok considering! I am so proud of my amazing husband for taking control of his health and dropping over 50lbs with running! Abe and I were so happy to be his cheering squad. Zack is preparing for a big 10k and half marathon in California at Disneyland in November, which will also be our first official family vacation! I'm a little nervous to be flying with a (almost) 5 month old, so any tips would be greatly appreciated.

We also took Abe to get his first pumpkin! Fall is a favorite around here so doing seasonal activities like that are so fun for us! Our favorite place to go is Apple Works, they have apple orchards, a u-pick pumpkin patch, gorgeous scenery, delicious food, and interactive things for little ones to do. We decided to try out a pinterest idea for the carving of the pumpkin and I am SO happy with the way it turned out, it could have been a complete and total fail. I'm sure Abe will just be thrilled to have this pictures when he gets his first girlfriend.

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